Sign Up by Feb 13 to Participate in Spelling Bee

February 8, 2017


You support IPEI Grants at the Sunday, March 5 Spelling Bee!

IPEI awarded over $62,000 in grants last year to teachers and others with innovative ideas about how to enhance the education of ICSD students. With the community’s support of the upcoming IPEI Adult Spelling Bee, Executive Director Steve Manley and the IPEI Board are poised to allocate even more grants this year!
IPEI is looking for spellers, and also for team sponsors, fundraisers, program advertisers, and silent auction item donors!

Monday Feb 13 is the new deadline for signing up for one or more ways to participate!


1. Be a speller! IPEI is looking for teams of 3, and the entrance cost is $400. There’s room for 3 more!
2. Sponsor a speller or a team!
3. Donate to the Spelling Bee Silent Auction! (If you know a business, artist, craftsperson- anyone who can make a donation, IPEI would love to feature them!)
4. Encourage someone to take out an event program ad to support the event


Welcome to the Spellers and Sponsors as of Feb. 10!

Bee-ing a Spelling Bee Team Sponsor is a great way the community supports IPEI’s grants programs and encourages others to participate as members of Spelling Bee teams! Thank you to:


Cornell, Fine Arts Booster Group, IthacaSTEM Advocates, ICSD Board of Education, ICSD Librarians, ICSD Administration, Belle Sherman PTA, Caroline PTA, Cornell Catering, Cayuga Radio Group, Challenge Workforce Solutions, Sciarabba Walker, WSKG, Wahl Educational Consulting, Wegmans, ITA, West Hill Graphics, Hospicare, Cornell Linguistics, Ithaca High School PTA,  Ithaca High Math Teachers, Tetra Tech, Tompkins County Public Library, Fall Creek PTA, the Spellicans, Notorious RPG, and the “Doctoral Dictionaries”!

Team Sponsors:

Travis Hyde
Anchor Capital Management
Hunt Engineering
Honda of Ithaca
Challenge Workforce Solutions
Family and Children’s Service
Cornell University
CSP Management
Tetra Tech
Realty USA
Warren Real Estate
Westhill Graphics
Tompkins Insurance
True Insurance
Wahl Educational Consulting

In addition the Spelling Bee appreciates our fantastic Event Sponsors: Ainslie Reilly Group of Morgan Stanley, Cayuga Radio Group, Trane US, Tompkins Trust Company, Cornell Catering and Sciarabba Walker!

Spelling Bee Scheduled for March 5Boynton Sixth Graders Share with Families at “Museum”