Sanchirico Plans to Step Down as IPEI Executive Director

March 23, 2016


Chris is actively leading IPEI through this spring and until her successor can be oriented.  Listen to her recent interview on WHCU’s All Things Equal show:

Christine A. Sanchirico, Executive Director of the Ithaca Public Education Initiative (IPEI), has announced her intention to step down this summer. According to Board President Matthew Braun, “With retirement on her horizon, Chris has given IPEI the opportunity to search for her successor this spring so there can be sufficient overlap for transition.”

“I have enjoyed my time at IPEI and am proud of what the board and I have been able to accomplish during my tenure. Together, we’ve developed a solid infrastructure to ensure IPEI’s impact will continue with success far into the future,” expressed Sanchirico.

Terry Byrnes who was IPEI’s president when Chris was hired in 2013 remarked: “As our first Executive Director, Chris has provided strong leadership during a transformative time. She has guided the strengthening of operations, the establishment of policies and procedures, and the shift from a volunteer-led organization to a staffed one.”

“Chris has shared her many years of varied work experience and IPEI has greatly benefitted,” said Jennifer Engel, IPEI’s immediate past president. “I have seen her love and enthusiasm for the core of IPEI’s mission grow into deep belief in the benefits of what is being accomplished.”

IPEI is a community-based not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organization that develops supportive community and private sector relationships with the ICSD. Founded in 1996, IPEI is committed to connecting school and community through collaboration, engagement, gifts and grants. For more information including about the job announcement, see .

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