In honor of Dr. Martin Luther King Day, IPEI is sharing the recent Red and Gold Grant activities of Kari Krakow, Ithaca High School teacher of “English as Native Language”.
“Print as Language” activities about the art of printmaking included work with the Johnson Museum of Art educators at the Cornell museum and in their Ithaca High classroom. Krakow planned for her students “to prepare for and participate effectively in a range of conversations and collaborations with diverse partners, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively.”
The project culminated with their printed posters about Human Rights being hung throughout Ithaca High to publicize messages about freedom, and submitted to 2015 Human Rights Art Competition coordinated by the Tompkins County Office of Human Rights and the Dorothy Cotton Institute.
The 28th Annual Human Rights Art Competition encouraged students in grades kindergarten through 12 to explore issues central to universal—civil, political, economic, social and cultural—rights. The United Nations’ 30 Articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights served as inspiration for this year’s artists.